Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Small Space Flight....

Well, here's your first taste bloggers of what I am currently working on. I am not yet done, but I am very close.

She glanced over at him in amazement. That was a lot of missile launchers for just a single ship, but to have them just in the rear was, well, excessive she thought.
“So how many do you have in the front?”
“The same, why?”
“Why do you have so many? Aren’t they expensive to maintain with those type of missles?”
“Yes, but well worth it in situations like this. He’s going to meet his maker in a few seconds”
She glanced at the screen showing the rear and watched as three of the missiles made contact with his ship causing it to instantly explode into a tiny pieces from the impact.
“Strap back in, your leg is going to have to wait a little bit longer” He said. “Mistriss, take all power from the weapons and divert it to the engines, once that’s done shunt the front shields to the rear completely. We are making a run for it.”
“Already in the process of doing that now hun, I figured we may be running from this one”
Aluvia looked down at the speaker on the consol “Who is she by the way and where the hell is she? Shouldn’t she be up here helping you?”
“She is helping me, she's the ships computer”
“You named the computer Mistriss and it calls you hun? Ya, that’s not weird or anything”
Just then a small holographic image popped up on the consol in front of her. It was a slender Twelik female wearing what appeared to be a skin tight flight suit with her hands on her hips and staring very defiantly at Aluvia.
“If you must know miss nappy hair” Aluvia reached up to touch her hair wide eyed “he didn’t name me and hun is a term of endearment” when she spoke the last word she looked over at Haci with a playful look on her face. “isn’t that right dear?”
“Why you little pile of..., I’m going to pull you apart!” Aluvia yelled.
“Oh, like I’m really worried Ms. Nappy hair, you’re going to attack a hologram”
Before she knew it she was arguing and bickering back and forth with a ships computer about how they each looked.
Both Aluvia and holographic Mistriss looked at Haci with distain in both of their eyes.
“We have enough to worry about right now, I don’t need the two of you arguing and acting like a couple of demented Ewoks” Tweaker let out a few sharp chirps which sounded like laughing to Aluvia and by the look on Mistriss’ face they must have been. “besides ladies, there’s enough of Haci to go around” with that he laughed and started taking more hard evasive maneuvers to avoid the now steady laser blasts that had started coming in from the Imperial Star Destroyer when the two had been arguing.
“Mistriss, get those damn shields shunted! Tweaker do you have the hyperspace coordinates plotted and ready to go?”
The droid let out a quick beep and a screen on the consol scrolled an affirmative across it.

Just a small teaser of what i'm currently working on. I have eleven pages writtin so far, and have a few to go. Let me know what you all think, thanks!

1 comment:

Simon Johnson said...

i think its great, have you sent it over to del ray to see if they would pick it up? Have you also thought about sending it over to Dark Horse Comics to be picked up?