Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Shark!

Today was a tremendous day! My fond friend and colleague Mark Anthony Switzer got married! I hope that in this union he and his wife are able to communicate and show their affection for each other frequently. I have seen one too many friends or family members go through a divorce. I pray they stay strong to their vows and their commitment. If I know Mark, and I feel that I do, I know he will give it his all. Best of wishes to you Mark and Sarah, may your marriage be filled with laughter, joy, love, trust, and very importantly communication!

On a lighter note, the wedding was perfect. When i say perfect i mean to say it was short and to the point, lol. I hate long weddings!!! The food was sensational! But then what do you expect from the Queen Mary Sunday Brunch. The omlette I had was scrumptious, I would have gone back for another if not for the long line, lol. But the biggest treat today was being there with my closest of friends. It's been far too long since we all got together, sat down and talked. I fear that with all of us growing apart due to life and families that its going to be more difficult to get us all together. I would love to see us meet up a few times a year and just hang out and talk like we use to. Over the past few weeks I have seen how precious life is and how wonderful it is to have family and friends that love you and you love back. I think we all take them for granted far too often. I know I have recently. So to all my friends out there, to my mom and dad especially... I Love You! And I am blessed to have you all!!

Maybe it's also that fact that I'm the last one out of this spectacular group of friends to get hitched. It's possible that the reality of it truley hit me in the face today. I have been thinking about it before today but I think it finally sunk in. So, it's time to get busy livin, put my nose to the grind stone and have some fun!

Oh and by the way! Apparently, I DONT get a special prize for being the last one married! Thats blows! HAHAHAHA!!!!


Simon Johnson said...

I am right there with you and the only thing I can say is I Love You Man. We have had a wonderful 18 yr friendship and I look forward to the next.

Anonymous said...

Ok.. i'm being a good little sister... i love your blogs... especially this one... I know I'm not one of your "old" friends.. but I think you should know how much your friendship means to me. I'm glad we have become so close over the six (wow!) years that Jeremy and I have been together. You are definately the big brother I never had. sniff, sniff, tear...