Sunday, June 22, 2008


Over the past several day's I've been having trouble coming up with a way in how to end my story. I know exactly what needs to happen, but i'm unsure as to how to pull it off. So, I sat here in my office chair lastnight, reclined, staring up at the ceiling fan twirl around and around, watching the fan blades play a never ending game of tag when all of a sudden............ I fell asleep. Now, the dream that transpired is still a mystery to me so I won't go into detail for i'll probably confuse you all and myself even further in the process. But, the dream itself (because it was so weird and warped) caused me to think outside of the box and I did it. I now know exactly how i'm going to wrap up my little epic. No, i'm not telling, hehe. You will just have to wait and see.

Now, after I hand it over to some very close friends for whom I trust entirely for not only their brutal honesty but for their excellent knowledge in grammer and sentence structure I will print final copies with cover pages and distribute to some publishers or agents. My hope is to catch the eye of someone who likes what they see and see's possible potential for future writing's. But, most importantly, I will print a final version with a nice complete cover, sign/date it, write a thank you letter to accompany it and send it off to the person for whom I wrote it for to thank them for being my inspiration for my little fable.

My ambition is to continue this gift with every fable, story, epic, novel, script, or chronicle I write. For all of my dearest friends and family members have givin me idea's and thought's (from how they act and react to life) from the smallest of short stories to the biggest of chronicles containing many novels.

So, "what's next" you all may be asking? Well, that my friends is something you will just have to go wondering about for a little while. Oh rest assured, I still intend to throw you all a bone here and there to give you a taste of what is formulating in that mysterious contraption I call my brain. But, what I can divulge is the person behind my stimulating composition. It's someone for whom I have an immense respect for not only as a person but as a close and dearest friend. I dedicate this next tale to my flawless compadre and loving little sister, this next one is for you Mel! I hope you enjoy it as much as I am right now just thinking about it.


Anonymous said...

I'm excited to see what happens to Aluvia...since I've been waiting for the ending for what... 2 months now?!?!! I also can't wait for the next tale. Do I get editorial rights as to the character? lol:) Happy writing, Chadwin!

Simon Johnson said...

Lets just hope I am not one of the lucky ones who gets to help with the editing because me spelling sucks LOL. that doesn't mean i don't want to read it. good to see you still bloggin. keep it up, its good for the soul