Monday, June 30, 2008

Return of The Chad!!!

Well, today marks my first day back to work in over a month. HOLY COW! (Moooo) Thats was a long time. Overall I would say it was a good day. The only real draw back was that I have gotten so use to sitting out back or just working in the yard wearing only a pair of shorts and sunglasses that when I had to wear long pants, boots, shirt, safety vest, and hard hat I was a bit miffed! Well, maybe miffed isn't the right word but what I can tell you is that I didn't enjoy it one bit, lol. I'm not sure i'll ever get use to wearing so much clothing anymore. Maybe I should just join a nudist colony and walk around in the buff all day. Anyone else wanna join up with me? Come on now, don't be shy!! But then, what do you do if you have to work on a car or trim plants? I wouldn't want to trim rose bushes nude, holy guacamole! Can you imagine getting hit by a thorn in the wee-wee? Well, I can and it's not a pleasant thought!! So, maybe I won't join one, I might hurt myself, lol.

We also have a Holliday this weekend folks!! Who has plans? Who's hosting parties and where are we all going to watch a fireworks show? Because if it's July 4th I wanna watch some fireworks gosh darn it!!! Let me know what you all plan to do. I hope to hear from you all soon!!

Friday, June 27, 2008


I have discovered that help comes in many different forms, ways, and of course at all times, even at the most odd of times. With that said, I was lucky enough to meet someone a few weeks ago who today gave me the phone number of a writing coach in Redlands. Now, ordinarily I wouldn't have givin it a second thought or taken this person seriously, but the fact that this man specializes in Science Fiction writing is what I might classify as a sign (no sorry, not as in the X-Files type). People, and when I say people I refer to the general mass, the type of folks who when they can't explain or understand "what" happened or for that matter "why" it happened seem to let their brains do a slight reboot and default back to our primal ancestors and insinuate "a higher power" had something to do with it. In other words.... fate stepped in and threw a bucket of ice cold water in my face to wake me up and let the cognitive thoughts flow freely. Now, the big question right now is this........ Am I making any sense what so ever? I'll be honest, i've been sitting in front of my laptop for way too long tonight, the brain is slowly starting to dig its heels in and refuse to contiue this little walk. Where is Cesar Millan when I need him? My brain is in need of some serious pack leadership skills, lol. ANYWHO!! Where was I? ...................................................... Oh yes, the writing coach. I feel this is all great timing. Plus, It has been suggested I write something pertaining to my job with all the ups and downs involved. Which could turn into one of many things, for instance, a self help guide titled "Who Not To Work For, and Most Importantly, Why!!". But, I think it's best portrayed as a comedy of sorts with some interesting plot twists here and there. The kind of book that makes you laugh hysterically out loud and at the same time wonder just what kind of antics is the main character going to get into next, lol. Ya, I like that version the best. But, don't fret Mel, i'm not workin on that one just yet.

I did start the new fable today though. So far so good, I won't be posting anything just yet though. I want to get more written before I decide to post a teaser for you all. So, happy blogging to you all and will blog at you all later! *wink*

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Over the past several day's I've been having trouble coming up with a way in how to end my story. I know exactly what needs to happen, but i'm unsure as to how to pull it off. So, I sat here in my office chair lastnight, reclined, staring up at the ceiling fan twirl around and around, watching the fan blades play a never ending game of tag when all of a sudden............ I fell asleep. Now, the dream that transpired is still a mystery to me so I won't go into detail for i'll probably confuse you all and myself even further in the process. But, the dream itself (because it was so weird and warped) caused me to think outside of the box and I did it. I now know exactly how i'm going to wrap up my little epic. No, i'm not telling, hehe. You will just have to wait and see.

Now, after I hand it over to some very close friends for whom I trust entirely for not only their brutal honesty but for their excellent knowledge in grammer and sentence structure I will print final copies with cover pages and distribute to some publishers or agents. My hope is to catch the eye of someone who likes what they see and see's possible potential for future writing's. But, most importantly, I will print a final version with a nice complete cover, sign/date it, write a thank you letter to accompany it and send it off to the person for whom I wrote it for to thank them for being my inspiration for my little fable.

My ambition is to continue this gift with every fable, story, epic, novel, script, or chronicle I write. For all of my dearest friends and family members have givin me idea's and thought's (from how they act and react to life) from the smallest of short stories to the biggest of chronicles containing many novels.

So, "what's next" you all may be asking? Well, that my friends is something you will just have to go wondering about for a little while. Oh rest assured, I still intend to throw you all a bone here and there to give you a taste of what is formulating in that mysterious contraption I call my brain. But, what I can divulge is the person behind my stimulating composition. It's someone for whom I have an immense respect for not only as a person but as a close and dearest friend. I dedicate this next tale to my flawless compadre and loving little sister, this next one is for you Mel! I hope you enjoy it as much as I am right now just thinking about it.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Shark!

Today was a tremendous day! My fond friend and colleague Mark Anthony Switzer got married! I hope that in this union he and his wife are able to communicate and show their affection for each other frequently. I have seen one too many friends or family members go through a divorce. I pray they stay strong to their vows and their commitment. If I know Mark, and I feel that I do, I know he will give it his all. Best of wishes to you Mark and Sarah, may your marriage be filled with laughter, joy, love, trust, and very importantly communication!

On a lighter note, the wedding was perfect. When i say perfect i mean to say it was short and to the point, lol. I hate long weddings!!! The food was sensational! But then what do you expect from the Queen Mary Sunday Brunch. The omlette I had was scrumptious, I would have gone back for another if not for the long line, lol. But the biggest treat today was being there with my closest of friends. It's been far too long since we all got together, sat down and talked. I fear that with all of us growing apart due to life and families that its going to be more difficult to get us all together. I would love to see us meet up a few times a year and just hang out and talk like we use to. Over the past few weeks I have seen how precious life is and how wonderful it is to have family and friends that love you and you love back. I think we all take them for granted far too often. I know I have recently. So to all my friends out there, to my mom and dad especially... I Love You! And I am blessed to have you all!!

Maybe it's also that fact that I'm the last one out of this spectacular group of friends to get hitched. It's possible that the reality of it truley hit me in the face today. I have been thinking about it before today but I think it finally sunk in. So, it's time to get busy livin, put my nose to the grind stone and have some fun!

Oh and by the way! Apparently, I DONT get a special prize for being the last one married! Thats blows! HAHAHAHA!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Small Space Flight....

Well, here's your first taste bloggers of what I am currently working on. I am not yet done, but I am very close.

She glanced over at him in amazement. That was a lot of missile launchers for just a single ship, but to have them just in the rear was, well, excessive she thought.
“So how many do you have in the front?”
“The same, why?”
“Why do you have so many? Aren’t they expensive to maintain with those type of missles?”
“Yes, but well worth it in situations like this. He’s going to meet his maker in a few seconds”
She glanced at the screen showing the rear and watched as three of the missiles made contact with his ship causing it to instantly explode into a tiny pieces from the impact.
“Strap back in, your leg is going to have to wait a little bit longer” He said. “Mistriss, take all power from the weapons and divert it to the engines, once that’s done shunt the front shields to the rear completely. We are making a run for it.”
“Already in the process of doing that now hun, I figured we may be running from this one”
Aluvia looked down at the speaker on the consol “Who is she by the way and where the hell is she? Shouldn’t she be up here helping you?”
“She is helping me, she's the ships computer”
“You named the computer Mistriss and it calls you hun? Ya, that’s not weird or anything”
Just then a small holographic image popped up on the consol in front of her. It was a slender Twelik female wearing what appeared to be a skin tight flight suit with her hands on her hips and staring very defiantly at Aluvia.
“If you must know miss nappy hair” Aluvia reached up to touch her hair wide eyed “he didn’t name me and hun is a term of endearment” when she spoke the last word she looked over at Haci with a playful look on her face. “isn’t that right dear?”
“Why you little pile of..., I’m going to pull you apart!” Aluvia yelled.
“Oh, like I’m really worried Ms. Nappy hair, you’re going to attack a hologram”
Before she knew it she was arguing and bickering back and forth with a ships computer about how they each looked.
Both Aluvia and holographic Mistriss looked at Haci with distain in both of their eyes.
“We have enough to worry about right now, I don’t need the two of you arguing and acting like a couple of demented Ewoks” Tweaker let out a few sharp chirps which sounded like laughing to Aluvia and by the look on Mistriss’ face they must have been. “besides ladies, there’s enough of Haci to go around” with that he laughed and started taking more hard evasive maneuvers to avoid the now steady laser blasts that had started coming in from the Imperial Star Destroyer when the two had been arguing.
“Mistriss, get those damn shields shunted! Tweaker do you have the hyperspace coordinates plotted and ready to go?”
The droid let out a quick beep and a screen on the consol scrolled an affirmative across it.

Just a small teaser of what i'm currently working on. I have eleven pages writtin so far, and have a few to go. Let me know what you all think, thanks!

Friday, June 13, 2008

In The Beginning......

In the beginning of this blog, there was........ ME! I start with me since it is afterall, well, my blog. Why blog? Well, thats easy you see! After taking time to really put forth some serious cogitation, quite a bit of soul searching while listening to various composers, observing the way that all the fundamental mechanical parts of life intertwine to form and shape who and what we are, and lets not forget all the group therapy folks, I have come to one vital and definitive deduction. I loathe my vocation (job). Well, maybe "loathe" is a bit strong, but the fact remains that I am NOT "chipper" or "sunny" about it, nor am I tickled pink!
What is "My plan" you ask? Don't fib, I know some of you are quite surprised by this, I know I was. My plan is to continue laboring for my current employer until I am able to earn a living doing what I now know is my passion and calling. I will publish posts showing my development and evolution in this new area. It's obviously going to be a hobby at first since I still have to earn a living, but I know with some hard work and fortitude I will triumph.
In conclusion, I would love to have feedback from you all on the topics and "teasers" that I intend to throw out in my many new blogs.